Friday, August 30, 2019

The Weekend Roundup - 'I'

It's time for Tom's fun meme The Weekend Roundup. Today the third vowel is featured and it has its challenges...but persist I did!

Ice skating begins with 'I'. This is Dad and my big sister Michele on a neighborhood Ice Rink in St. Paul Minnesota, January 1959
Irish Dancers also starts with 'I'. This is the fantastic dancers from the Mulkerin School of Irish Dance in West Haven, CT. They dane in Ansonia for the raising of the Irish flag in March and other events during the year. Wearin' O' the green!

This is at New York City's Idlewild Airport (now JFK International). The year was 1962 and here is my Dad (in beret) at customs at the old and long gone International Arrivals building. Dad was a travel writer for UPI in the early '60s and traveled a lot. He liked the travel part but a he was low paid reporter in a very expensive city. The kids would travel to Idlewild to pick him after a trip and you could see the (lack of) action from upstairs...

Back to Icy we go. I'd be happy to keep the warmth of now; however, realizing the beauty of Winter we look at an Icy pond at Witek Park in neighboring Derby. Have a great week all!


  1. ...actually Ralph, it was a bit on the hot side today, your icy pictures are refreshing. I remember the Idlewild Airport. My youngest granddaughter took Irish dance lessons for a while, she was quite good, Thanks Ralph for checking in, enjoy your Labor day Weekend.

  2. Love the last shot Ralph and always love watching Irish dancers. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  3. I love watching Irish Dancers! Nice post!


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