Saturday, January 26, 2019

The Weekend Roundup 'D'

Good Saturday Morn to all! It is again time for Tom's fun meme The Weekend Roundup. The fourth letter of the alphabet is featured today, so the archives were searched and subjects located, let's give it a go!

Our neighboring town of Derby, Connecticut starts with 'D'. Here is the beautiful Derby Public Library.

Here are some of my Darling siblings (Michele, Claudia and Vicki)sitting in Grandpa's1961 Dodge Dart. It is March 1961 at Kiddy City in Bayside, Queens, New York City.

This is Daddy and Daughter Allegra the day she first arrived at our Derby home. It was taken on 1 Jan 1989 (yikes - she is 30 now!!!!!!)

A Favorite. Patti took this at a reception featuring futuristic laser surgical robotics that will be installed at Griffin Hospital. I'm not certain of what this device will do, but the shapes and colors give this the look of abstract art. Have a great week all!

Saturday, January 19, 2019

The Weekend Roundup 'C'

It is Saturday morn just a few hours before the predicted snow/ice event to begin - so it's time for Tom's fun meme The Weekend RoundupThe third letter of the alphabet gives me plenty of subjects to choose from so away we go...

Begins with 'C'. Our son Cameron had an early affinity for Computers at age 7 in 1998 (L) and in 2001 (R). He is a software developer these days so it began at an early age :)
Here is a day of Celebration. I believe this is the day after V-J Day, when WWII ended in the Pacific (Aug. 15, 1945). My Aunt Terry is with other neighborhood kids as they hold that day's Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Grandpa always kept is camera nearby! 
Here is myself on a Cold day sitting next to my wheelchair driver Dodge Grand Caravan along Main Street in Ansonia Connecticut. My Alderman, representing our City ward, inspects the van...

Candy. After our children did their trick-or-treat (here is from 2004), they would dump the contents of their bags on the table to sort (and consume) their haul. That is a lot of candy! 

A Favorite. The always lovely Patti captured this sunset from Ansonia's Main Street this week. The clouds allowed for a light bronze haze that is lovely. The steeple is from Three Saints Orthodox Church. Have a great week!

Friday, January 11, 2019

The Weekend Roundup 'B'

Ah yes, it is Friday and again time for Tom's fun meme The Weekend Roundup. The second letter of the alphabet is perfect to transport me back to warmer days and seasons - as it is too cold for me in here the Winter (although Southern New England is not nearly as where Tom lives in the Lake Effect Snow Belt of Western NY).Here we go...

First is the Atlantic City Boardwalk through the ages - or decades! Here is, at least it looks like the late 1930s in front of the legendary Steeplechase Pier. That's my Dad, so I'm  guessing it's him at age 11, the summer of 1939.

Here is my dad in the USAAF along with his Dad (aka: Grandpa). He was in the service 1945-1847, so I think this was 1946 on the Boardwalk.

This is 1954, in the Auumn. Grandpa is carrying my big sister  Michele seven months or so (we were only a family of three then). Aunt Terry is in front. There were many visitors on the Boardwalk even out of vacation season!

This is the summer of 1965 and from 6-9 A.M. in those days (pre-casinos), you could rent Bicycles and ride them on the Boardwalk. Six of the seven Villers children are here with Dad.

Finally, this is 1978 and my last trip to the Atlantic City Boardwalk. Here is Grandma in front of the very first Casino that opened after the state of New Jersey approved gambling and before the glass and steel edifices seen today.  I miss the old days as a kid with a briny surf, soft sand and Taylor Pork Roll sandwiches - the best vacations!

Of course another example of the letter 'B' is Bridge, more specifically the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge in New York City. This the way to go to visit our son in Brooklyn. Have a great week!

Friday, January 4, 2019

The Weekend Roundup 'A'

Happy new year to all! I've been away for the holiday from Tom's fun meme The Weekend Roundup. The alphabet begins anew this week, so I have found a few...

Grandpa loved to take state line signs in his travels. Here is Arizona, I guess in 1938. I am unsure of where, but given the topography, perhaps entering westbound from New Mexico along US-60.
I live in Ansonia, Ct and this is the remains of the old Ansonia Copper & Brass along the Naugatuck River. Funding is being secured for demolition and environmental cleanup to be repurposed and a new modern industry to follow...
Then there is Antipasto. This was a fab choice for our ApĂ©ritif at a local restaurant. 
The final 'A' today is daughter Allegra, here in her role as a docent (representing 1762) for the local Derby Historical Society.
A Favorite. The always lovely Patti captured this cardinal on New Year's Day. What a great pose. Have a great week!

Shadow Shot Sunday - Jersey Shore Redux

The strong norther sun of Summer allows for interesting shadows in many places. For me, the New Jersey shore family vacations of decades pas...