Saturday, February 16, 2019

The Weekend Roundup 'G'

As Saturday arrives, the time is nigh for Tom's fun meme The Weekend Roundup. The letter 'G' allows the archives to be searched to match the theme. As the 'Great One' (I'm dating myself here :) was apt to say...And away we go!

Begins with 'G' today begins with Grandma and Grandpa Villers in this view from I believe 1958 or 1959 in their Steubenville Ohio home. Agnes and Ralph look great!

My next 'G' is Graduate. Our daughter Allegra graduates from Ansonia High School top in 2006, The University of Hartford (center) in 2010 and receiving her Masters at Sacred Heart University in 2015 (taken from the mezzanine of the arena - the big screen helped...) 

A Favorite. The always lovely Patti captured this in downtown Ansonia. The moon was in a waxing gibbous phase, 67 percent illumination. I love it. Happy weekend all!


  1. I love graduations! It's always such a happy time in ones life, no matter what age. Have a great week, Ralph!

  2. Awesome graduation pics! And love that last shot!

  3. ..'G'reat 'G'raduations and vintage photos! "The moon was in a waxing gibbous phase, 67 percent illumination," who knew. Thanks Ralph for sharing, enjoy!

  4. That's a really nice moon catch, Ralph. Congratulations to Allegra. The educator in me would like to know what her major(s) might be. Our granddaughter, BP, will get her Batchelor in May, she will have a BS in Math and Theater. Then she will stay another year for a Master's in Math. Good too on the grandparents, you are fortunate to have pictures.


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