Saturday, February 23, 2019

The Weekend Roundup 'H'

Saturday is the perfect time for Tom's fun meme The Weekend Roundup. The letter 'H' is featured so perusing through the archives was in order...

'H' can stand for Hartford, Connecticut's capital city

We once had a furry family feline, named Sir Humphrey of Upland. He was a great looking guy and a Heck of a gift!

How about a Heap of snow in East Hartford, CT. Taken on 8 Feb. 1978 after a 2 day blizzard. A bonus 'H' is on far end of the driveway is an AMC Hornet Sportabout! These photos were taken back then with a Polaroid SX-70. Remember them??
A Favorite. Patti captured another blue jay by the forsythia with his prize, an eggshell we leave our feathered friends - they love 'em! Have a great week!


  1. Humphrey is a cutie! I like your H post!

  2. Hartford made you pretty skyline picture. Sir Humphrey is my favorite. Have a nice week, Ralph.

  3. Great "H" post, Ralph. Humphrey sure is cute! I never new that birds liked egg shells? I'll have to throw some out one of these days! Enjoy your week!


Shadow Shot Sunday - Jersey Shore Redux

The strong norther sun of Summer allows for interesting shadows in many places. For me, the New Jersey shore family vacations of decades pas...