Saturday, May 18, 2019

The Weekend Roundup 'T'

Finally it is a nice Spring day - but before I go outside to enjoy the day, it's time to participate in Tom's fun photo meme The Weekend Roundup. There are a number of subjects beginning wit today's letter, so let's begin...

Starts with 'T' includes the old Traymore Hotel in Atlantic City, NJ. I don't know why, but Grandpa took lots of photos of the long gone stately resort. The top is 1949 or 1950, the middle from 1956 and with Aunt Terry in 1969.

Here is a Tree at Trinity Cemetery in Seymour CT.

And here is a Tractor at Bomba Farm also in Seymour after a harvest.

Tall. T'is not the season but here is a Tall-ish Christmas tree next to Ansonia's City Hall a few years ago. It looks nice on that cold evening. Have a great week!


  1. ...I was in Atlantic City obce on the '50s, looked the boardwalk.
    ...the Trinity Cemetery looks beautiful.
    ...that Farmall M has seen a lot of harvests.
    ...ehat a beautiful tallish Christmas tree.
    Thank Ralph for stopping by, enjoy your week.

  2. Lovely to see and have those old photos especially when the hotel is no longer there. Gorgeous blossoms on that tree. I hope you have a lovely weekend.


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