Here is a pair of the 24th letter of the alphabet. A commuter train passes Division St. in Derby, CT. If the gate doesn't get your attention, the Railroad Crossing 'X' signs should also help...
Now here are other uses of today's letter...Linus is X-tra tired and Rosa Mina in Ansonia serves up X-tra tasty food (with X-tra garlic too :)
Week's Favorite. We are at the confluence of the Housatonic and Naugatuck Rivers in Derby under the Route 8 Commodore Hull Bridge as the sunset blazes above. Have a great weekend and Father's Day!
...Palph, an Xcellent post for a difficult letter of the alphabet. Rosa Mina looks like a great spot for an Italian meal. Thanks for your beautiful sunset and I hope that you are having a great Father;s Day!