Saturday, June 8, 2019

Shadow Shot Sunday - Post Industrial

For today's Shadow Shot Sunday 2, I am crossing the Housatonic River to Shelton CT. This promenade along the river was one a sponge rubber plant destroyed by fire in 1975. Now, a riverside park exists - its once industrial heritage showcased by the iron train trestle. Reclaimed and repurposed, it is a nice place to rewind... 


  1. Very nice place indeed. I am reminded of parts of St. Louis, Missouri.
    The shadows of the leaves and the branches(and may be the fence too) is very nice.
    Happy Day to you.
    Peace :)

  2. A sense of peace in the leafless shadows.

  3. Looks like a restful place for a stroll, Ralph, complete with shadows!


Shadow Shot Sunday - Jersey Shore Redux

The strong norther sun of Summer allows for interesting shadows in many places. For me, the New Jersey shore family vacations of decades pas...