Friday, June 28, 2019

The Weekend Roundup - 'Z'

The 26th and last letter of the English language is upon us. Thus, it is a perfect time to contribute to Tom's fun meme, The Weekend Roundup. As with many other letters and subjects, I've taken a few liberties with this week's prompts...

When flapping its wings, a Bumblebee goes BUZZ. Patti found this busy bumblebee gathering pollen in shrubbery in our front yard.
Cats, by their very nature sleep a lot - so plenty of Zzzzzzs I'd say...
Zero. A liberty I've taken with Zero is this picture of Grandpa under the Zero minus 4 sign - that is, -4°F / -20°C. This is Fargo ND, 1970.
Week's Favorite. Daughter Allegra was in Prospect Park in Brooklyn NYC. She captured this nice view of the Soldiers and Sailors Arch on a beautiful evening. I guess the plane above is on its way to Runway 4 at Laguardia Airport - Allegra and I spent time looking at a map later to see. An interesting daddy and daughter activity :)


  1. ...Ralph, I see that you "Z"eored in the the bu"ZZ"ing bee! Cat are all about catching "ZZZZZ"s. As I get older, I don't below "Z"ero temps! Quite the view of the arch. Thanks Ralph for stopping by, I hope that have a great weekend.

  2. Nice "X's", Ralph. Getting Zzzz's is a clever cat's way to spend time when bored. Not that I am clever but at my age sleep can come any time, any where. That plane flying above is neat. good job, photographer.


Shadow Shot Sunday - Jersey Shore Redux

The strong norther sun of Summer allows for interesting shadows in many places. For me, the New Jersey shore family vacations of decades pas...